Mrs M, 46 years old

Mrs M, 46 years old

Physical health & rejuvenation

Mrs. M had neurological disorders which have been completely eradicated. Her scoliosis disappeared after having tried to correct it physically for 44 years. The Omère online program resolved what was left of her spinal curvature in just two months.

The program eliminated the need for all drug prescriptions, including an asthma inhaler; nasal steroids; emergency inhaler; daily allergy pills; migraine medication; and caffeine. 

Her eyesight has also improved and she no longer suffers with migraines.

Having previously suffered with brain-fog and experienced issues driving, her brain operation has also improved.

She is now achieving inversions in yoga, including handstands and headstands, which she was previously too scared to do - especially after previous shoulder surgery.

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